================================ + MICRO-UPDATE #23 1987 + + by John Brent + ================================ <<<<<<<<<<<< RUMOURS >>>>>>>>>>> (1)....The 1987 Canadian Computer Census (78 pages for $175.00) showed DEC with 3,853 and IBM with 3,642 far ahead of Hewlett-Packard with 864 computers in Canada. Since they only count computers with OVER $1000.00 per month rental (or purchase) value, your micro is not likely ever going to be counted! (1)....The GE Computer Services Division of CGE is now Canada-wide distributor for Star Micronics printers. (1)....Prime Computer of Canada claims they will be marketing the highest performing interactive 3D graphics workstation available. It'll be called the PXCL. (1)....CNCP Telecommunications and Purolator Courier Ltd. will jointly market 'LASERCOURIER', a messaging service to major Canadian centres. High quality printed messages go via CNCP's network to 28 Purolator sites for delivery in as little as 90 minutes. Canada Post watch out! (1)....EMJ Data Systems Inc. of Guelph has been appointed as national distributor of Mannesmann Tally printers. (1)....DEC of Canada will be producing the new VAX 8250 and 8350 minicomputers at its Kanata, Ont. plant. 100 new jobs will be created by this export-oriented production. (1)....ESSO is connecting 450 G-CAT terminals from self-service stations to its host computer in Toronto. The terminals, made by Gilbarco in Brockville, will record pump transactions, do credit authorization and print-out the transaction for the customer with the push of 1 button! (1)....Rodime Plus Series hard-disk drives are said to operate at the fastest access speed available using an SCSI interface. (1)....Control Data Canada is hoping its new mini, the Cyber 930 which was designed and built in Mississauga, will compete well with the new VAX 8350 and 8530 as well as IBM's 9370, models 60 & 90. The Cyber 930 sells for 'under $100,000'! <<<<<<<<< HARDWARE >>>>>>>>>> (1)....ZILOG Inc. has upgraded the old Z80 eight bit CPU with the Z280 CMOS version. The Z280 has on-chip cache, memory management, clock oscillator, wait state generator and support for 'burst memory'. The current version runs at 10 Mhz and will run existing Z80 software with no additional development. (A 25 Mhz version is coming in 1988.. some 'old' CP/M systems may see a sudden quantum leap in speed with those installed!) (1)....IBM has been shipping its new Model 30 PC with 3.5in. disk (but not the multiuser operating system, OS/2) and it is the usual unexciting offering we have come to expect from 'Big Blue'. The screen resolution IS better and the high end (Models 50, 60 and 80) will have 'micro-channel' architecture allowing 16 or 32 bits of data I/O to & from the 80286 (or 80386... depending on model). <<<<<<<<< SOFTWARE >>>>>>>>>> (1)....MicroType, an MS-DOS program from EPSON Canada, is supposed to produce LASER QUALITY text on Epson 24 pin dot-matrix printers. It works with any wordprocessor that produces ASCII files. (1)....University of Alberta Hospitals are reaping the benefits of developing fully-integrated, real-time software primarily addressing patient reporting needs. Several sites in Albera have licenced the system and L'Hopital du Sacre-Coeur in Montreal has a French-language version. (1)....ISAC 2200 comes on a plug-in card for IBM PC/XT/AT and compatible computers and is designed to prevent unauthorized access to (or through!) the PC. If the PC is turned on or reset, ISAC automatically requests and checks the user ID and password BEFORE booting the DOS. Since it also automatically encrypts ALL DATA written to disk (and automatically decrypts data when read), the data disks are secured too. It allows for several users to use the same PC, while restricting access to those files for which the user is authorized. -------------------------------- <<<<<<<< REFERENCES >>>>>>>>> (1) Data Product News May 1987